MND-SMART launches in Exeter

June 2021: A new trial centre has opened to participants in Exeter. This is the trial’s eighth UK centre.

MND-SMART, has opened a new trial centre at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (RD&H). It will welcome participants to the motor neurone disease research study from across the RD&H NHS Foundation Trust region.

Dr Tim Harrower, Consultant Neurologist, is the Principal Investigator for the study in Exeter.

The trial is recruiting people living with MND across the UK to take part in tests of potential treatments. The trial has been developed by people with MND and clinical trial experts from across the UK.

Unlike typical clinical trials which test a single treatment at a time, MND-SMART is testing multiple drugs and so aims to speed up the time it takes to find medicines that can slow the progression of MND.

MND-SMART is funded by MND Scotland. My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and the Euan MacDonald Centre.

This article was published on: Monday, 14 June, 2021