Thank you and farewell

Feb 2022:  We say farewell to two of our research nurses.

MND-SMART are very lucky to have a network of sites and research staff recruiting patients across 17 sites in the UK. To get the Trial set-up at a site is a big ask. Contracts are put in place, equipment and drugs must be sent, training completed and documents like the patient information sheet localised. When everything is ready, the Trial Sponsor ACCORD check all the information is in place and correct, and then authorise the site to start recruiting patients.

Then starts the next busy phase for our teams. As well as seeing patients, the teams have to organise appointments, accurately complete and file paperwork, check medical records, liaise with pharmacies and much much more. It is difficult to keep everything in order, and has been made more difficult due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are so grateful to all the staff at sites who are helping with MND-SMART. The Trial couldn't run without them. In January we said goodbye to two research nurses, Kirsten McClelland-Brooks (NRS Neuroprogressive & Dementia Network based in Aberdeen) and Amy Price (Birmingham) as they move to new posts. Kirsten and Amy were integral in getting their sites set-up and recruiting trial participants. They've been great to work with and will be missed by everyone working on the Trial and their participants too. Thank-you both for being part of our mission to find treatments for people with MND.

It has been an absolute delight and so refreshing to work on MND-SMART

Amy Price, Neurology Research Nurse, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

I have really loved working on MND-SMART and find it an honour and privilege to work with MND participants. You have designed it with the participants in mind which makes all the difference

Kirsten McClelland-Brooks, Senior Clinical Studies Research Nurse, NHS Grampian


This article was published on: Monday, 31 January, 2022